Custom Barn Quilts available!

 Custom, hand painted Barn Quilts!

Barn Quilts have been my artform for about 5 years.  I have painted many for my own display and I host classes throughout the region.

If you would like a panel painted for your own display, that is simple to arrange and can be done within just a few days.  Available sizes are any dimension up to 8' (96") square.  Standard sizes are 24", 30", 36", 48" and 60".

These are painted on durable aluminum laminate and are expected to last 50+ years.  This is the same material used for signage across the nation, including state and national parks.  It is 3mm thick and is easy to mount on any wall.  Typically they are installed on fences, barns, she-sheds, doors or even fence posts.

You can select designs from this website or from any quilt book or website on the internet.  Just send a photo to me at or by text message to 717-620-9676.

The price varies with the size and complexity and will be quoted when you submit a design request and specify a size.  Time to produce the art is typically two to three days, but will be quoted to you when you submit your request.

These can be shipped nationwide or picked up locally.  I am in southern Illinois in Carterville.  62918.


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