Use the widest brush


Many distracting and unnecessary brush marks come from using a brush that is much narrower than the area being painted.  In the photo, the 4" wide brush leaves only one stroke on the cell being painted.  The one inch brush leaves only one stroke on the area to the right.

Using the 1" brush, or even worse, a 1/2" brush on the large area to the left would take 6 - 8 strokes of the brush. Each stroke creates narrow uneven thicknesses of paint, which must be covered by second and multiple coats of paint.  The result is a surface that looks like thick peanut butter. 

On exterior panels these distractions disappear with distance, but indoor displays are viewed close enough that the texture can distract from the image.

In addition, Thick coats of paint are more likely to chip or peal after tome passes.

Save yourself time and improve results by using wide brushes.

Happy Painting!

Jeff - TheBarnQuilter


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