Tools needed to create barn quilts.

 In no particular order:

Paint Brushes.  Foam brushes are fine for smaller quilts.

Wallpaper seam roller

Toothpicks for touching up

Paint.  Dutch Boy Max Bond (Manards)is my favorite, 4 oz samples. Sherwin Williams is great but is sold in quarts, not samples. Fusion is a specialty. great to use, limited colors. Dealers nation wide.

Polyacrylic sealer - optional. Used to coat the surface when the quilt is finished to prevent UV fading.

Razor blades or exacto knife.

Rulers:  I use an 18" drafting ruler and a 24" (broken) yard stick.

Tape measure.  If you're not familiar with what all those little divisions are take the time to learn.

Patience, grasshopper.


Paper towels

More to follow.


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